Why when caught cheating, they call rape and it hits headlines and TMZ? Why can the United States President throw man child fits because he's not having his way on national television and Twitter? Why did it take the Me Too movement to "expose sexual predators" that were already exposed? Why can someone say a racial slur to an athlete and the athletes career is taken? What's the difference between declaring an unnecessary war, and a racist womanizer in the white house? Why when a man shoots another unarmed man he's considered a hero? Why does a black man get life for shooting someone who was shooting at him? Why is it OK to question a black man being beaten with a noose around his throat and called everything but a man of God, but believe a white woman that says she gave the president fallacio in his office? Where did ICE come from? What's the difference between Mexico and Canada? Why does almost every state in the US have China Town, but people are being deported because they don't "belong"? Why are people being sent to prison for 20+ years for petty crimes, but a child molester gets a slap on the wrist and coloring papers and crayons because they have a "problem"? What happens to the victim? They get 20+ years for petty crimes. Why does the koolaid packs in prison have cancer causing agents in them? Why is white supremacy considered the"norm" but Muslims and Black Panthers are terrorists? What happened to COINTELPRO? Who can answer these questions in a non bias manner?


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